Writing from the laptop

I failed at being happy today
28/11/2011, 9:29 PM
Filed under: Blue mood days

There are some days when things just fall apart. You thought you were okay, that you could at least go a day without feeling sad. But you listen to a song, read a paragraph from a book, smell something that reminds you of the sadness you’ve been trying so hard to stay away from.
And then, at that moment, any attempts at trying to be happy, to think positive thoughts, would prove to be nothing but futile.
Sadness is powerful, so so powerful. I’ve realised. It’ll take a while, it’ll take time, some time, before its intensity and power diminishes and you’ll be able to look at these objects again without feeling as much sadness as you once did.

I was sad today. It was a song. It always has been.

28/11/2011, 7:51 AM
Filed under: Blue mood days

I will be happy today, I’m going to be happy today, today’s going to be a happy day. Sadness will never come for me today. I’ve had so much sadness in me the past few weeks, I don’t think there’s room for anymore. I’m just really tired of feeling sad and being sad about people and things. I should start eliminating these sadness from my life and feel happy about myself once again.
Thank you. I will be happy today.

An afterthought
27/11/2011, 11:18 PM
Filed under: Ramblings, The Heart

Someday I think I’ll serenade someone with my words, and when one day the ability to string words together to form a rather nice sentence leaves me, he’d fall out of love with me.The spell would have been broken by then, the love that depended so much on the ability to write, and on words themselves to convey its intensity, would too disappear along with the fleeting promise of an ‘eternal love’.

oh the tragedy.

Mating call
27/11/2011, 11:06 PM
Filed under: Inspired by letters, The Heart

Maybe i’m too serious for you, maybe I worry too much about things they would scare you away if you knew them (but they frighten you all the same because my negative vibes plagues the air of our conversations, you’d feel them too), maybe these childish thoughts of mine and as a result, the inability to deal with things in a mature manner are things which you find frown upon, maybe my tendency to want to establish contact with you like how space stations and space crafts constantly send and receive signals from each other, repels you further away from me instead of drawing you closer.


Or perhaps, you find me to bland for your liking, too ordinary, too mellow, too easily swayed by the forces of life. Things which I’m horribly inapt at, you excel; causes which you champion for, I take an ill-informed stance; matters which frustrates you but yet you find yourself having to carry these weights on your tired shoulders alone because i’m here fighting my own tough battles as much as you are fighting yours; turbulent waves of emotions I stir in our sea that send your boat rocking violently, that threatens to devour any specks of calm and love in the waters.


I am flawed, terribly flawed. But as long as you’re staying, I’ll be here for you as long as you allow me into the deepest depths of your soul, I’ll make promises and with all my might strive to hold them true, I’ll be moody but there’ll be enough love for us at the heart of all these moodiness to last us till the last of days. I’ll be your closest friend–i’ll listen patiently to all your sorrows, all your troubles, and everyday we’ll build a bond that will eventually transcend all time and space, and i’ll be with you. Perhaps, in another dimension, in another world, in another lifetime, but we’ll be together with the strength and tenacity of the bond that will be forged.


You’ll be my muse, and I’ll write you love letters, and we’ll spin stories from the webs of both our lively imagination combined, and slowly, I’ll see the world through your eyes as you will from mine. And each of our worlds would be more beautiful than it used to be, than it was before, and the world that is born from the meeting of two kindred souls will be spectacular, it would be worth all the loneliness of having to be alone when either soul departs, and we’d wish that every single being too had with them a world like ours, one that would extend its warm arms and provide much needed solace and love in their toughest days.

“But everyone dies alone” says a tiny voice from somewhere.

“But death itself happens in a second, it isn’t scary enough for the thought of being alone to sink in. Whereas life, living is an act which you’ve been doing for years and years and years, and if I have led days where I get to wake up to the scent of your skin each morning, and listen to the sound of your snores at night, then I have no fear of the nanosecondth of having to be alone when death comes”,  I say.

what makes sadn…
26/11/2011, 11:28 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

what makes sadness sad? what makes happiness happy?


20/11/2011, 9:14 PM
Filed under: Blue mood days

Length of time spent away from writing = how far away I am from feeling happy and satisfied.

I can’t create anymore.

20/11/2011, 9:12 PM
Filed under: The Heart

I’m fine with you taking time to be on your own.
I’m just afraid that if you’re gone for too long I won’t be able to recognise your soul again.

20/11/2011, 9:05 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized


I can’t take it anymore. Give me some Bon Iver, now. Anymore of these, I’m going to bite a head off.

01/11/2011, 10:24 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

the saddest thing that could ever befall upon a person (a writer especially) or someone who has spent most of her childhood around storybooks and words, is when poetry abandons all the sentences that it once strung together.

like now. I cannot write for nuts now. All I can do, is to solve math sums, memorise biology and draw funny structures of amino acids and chemical bonds. And I don’t even do it that well.

Try losing that.

01/11/2011, 10:16 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

lies are NOT okay. Not even white lies. One should always to strive to speak the truth. I mean, well it’s difficult sometimes, it’s true. But if you have to tell a lie, and if it’s meant to deceive, or to hide something that you did, or in general to conceal the truth from someone, then it’s not okay.

Not even a white lie told with the best intention is. That is, of course, my personal point of view. I really hate being lied to, white lie or not. It’s a major pet peeve. But as much as I hate lies, I sometimes am guilty of whipping up these make believe versions of truth. Am I hypocritical or am I just failing miserably at being ‘righteous’?

Give me the truth (brutal, harsh, painful or not), and not the dreamy fairytales. I hate fairytales.